York Learning - Skills courses for 2023 - Catalog - Page 8
English & Maths
Be Successful
Learn at your own pace and achieve your goals with the support of specialist tutors.
Classes are delivered in a variety of formats, with tailored lessons, exam provisions,
and revision workshops.
English and maths courses are free if you do not already have a Grade 4/C or above
at GCSE in the subject.
Get Started
Get On
Move On
Courses for those who
may need a bit of extra
support with reading,
wri琀椀ng or maths skills.
Work on the basics,
including spelling and
punctua琀椀on, 琀椀mes tables
and problem solving, and
work towards an entrylevel quali昀椀ca琀椀on.
Gain a quali昀椀ca琀椀on for
employment, to return
to learning, or to prepare
for further educa琀椀on,
appren琀椀ceships, and
GCSE courses.
Do you need extra help with English or maths?
Our tutors are adult educa琀椀on specialists, and experts at suppor琀椀ng those with
addi琀椀onal needs such as dyslexia, dyscalculia and dyspraxia.
Skills Brochure 2024 v1.inddc 8-9