2024 Disabled Enough magazine OLD - Flipbook - Page 31
Self-Advocacy Flow
The Self-Advocacy Flow activity (on the next page) is
designed to guide you through each step of the selfadvocacy process. You can use this flow in many
situations, if not all!
The activity is divided into two sections: 1) Getting
Started and 2) Planning. To do this activity, start at
‘Identify’ and work your way through to ‘Express your
rights!’ on the next page.
If the issue is not resolved the first time you express
your rights, you may need to go back to previous
steps and reconsider what you want to achieve, learn
more about the situation, or decide who else you
could self-advocate to.
The Self-Advocacy Flow activity has been taken from
the workbook for the DEP Self-Advocacy Training for
Young People with Disability. So if you can’t make it to
the training, or haven’t been able to in the past, the
next few pages will allow you to do what we teach in
these workshops: Self-Advocacy.