WWO - Impact Report Pages - Flipbook - Page 14
In 2022, our EOP® program was working in the Ethiopian
government preschools providing play-based learning
for nearly 6,000 eager students. Building the
capacity of Ethiopian caregivers and teachers, we
have trained 240 adults in the Element of Play®.
We have renovated all of our learning spaces
bringing color, order, and additional learning
materials, making the rooms inviting for the
children and staff. This year, WWO Ethiopia also
introduced the International Development and
Early Learning Assessment tool (IDELA) created by
Save the Children, to evaluate the impact of our work
at all of its sites.
Positive Youth Development - Our Community Based Youth
Support Program has provided 14 years of holistic care and support to young people who
have been or will be reintegrated into the communities. Among the 42 students who were
originally placed in the full care of WWO, 25 have graduated from the program and are
now living independently. The remaining youth in our care, are receiving daily support
and guidance, including housing, nutritional meals, education, health care services, and
life skills lessons that will prepare them for an independent and happy adulthood.
WWO’s Camp Addis has been providing camp programming
in partnership with SeriousFun Children’s Network,
since 2009, giving youth living with serious illness an
opportunity to bond and learn together. However,
at the beginning of the pandemic, residential
camp programs were redesigned to be held
as home-based camp. Fortunately, in 2022,
our traditional camp programs for youth and
caregiver weekends were held in person with
the campers, family members, and counsellors
on site. WWO brought the sense of belonging, the
confidence building, and the lifesaving messaging
around taking medication on schedule, to 162 campers
and caregivers in Addis.