WWO 2023 Impact Report Final - Flipbook - Page 23
Meet LAM
Meet Lam, a remarkable young man whose journey embodies resilience,
determina琀椀on, and the power of paying it forward. Lam’s story began amidst
adversity, as he navigated life with severe mobility impairment from birth,
enduring three major surgeries along the way. Despite these challenges, Lam’s
spirit remained strong.
For a decade, Lam found solace and support at the Hoang Mai rehab school,
where he pursued educa琀椀on with unwavering dedica琀椀on. With his mother as the sole
provider for their family, 昀椀nances were 琀椀ght, yet Lam’s thirst for knowledge and passion for
technology never waned. His tenacity paid o昀昀 when he earned a spot in college as an ICT
student, a testament to his resilience and academic prowess.
When Lam was approached by WWO to join their Posi琀椀ve Youth Development - Future
Skills program, it was a moment of valida琀椀on and hope. With their support, Lam embarked
on a transforma琀椀ve journey, receiving not just 昀椀nancial assistance, but also comprehensive
skills training, monthly s琀椀pends, and crucial medical and psychological care. But perhaps most
importantly, Lam found a community that believed in his poten琀椀al and supported his dreams.
As an IT tutor at the Hoang Mai school, Lam didn’t just impart technical knowledge; he became a
beacon of hope for his students, showing them that with determina琀椀on and perseverance, anything is
possible. His journey inspired them to believe in themselves and embrace the possibili琀椀es of the future.
A昀琀er two years in the WWO Future Skills program, Lam emerged as a graduate, armed not only with a
degree but also with newfound con昀椀dence and skills. When an IT company sought interns, Lam seized
the opportunity and impressed them with his talent and dedica琀椀on. His internship quickly turned into a
full-琀椀me posi琀椀on, with the company recognizing his poten琀椀al and inves琀椀ng in his growth by providing
addi琀椀onal training in English and so昀琀 skills.
Lam’s success story is a testament to the transforma琀椀ve power of educa琀椀on and support. With the right
resources and opportuni琀椀es, individuals like Lam can defy the odds and achieve their dreams. WWO’s Future
Skills program is more than just a means to an end; it’s a catalyst for genera琀椀onal change, empowering youth
like Lam to build brighter futures for themselves and their communi琀椀es. As Lam con琀椀nues to thrive in his career,
he serves as living proof that with determina琀椀on, resilience, and a suppor琀椀ve community, anything is possible.
2022 Annual Report