WWO 2023 Impact Report Final - Flipbook - Page 19
Je昀�é resides in a family of 昀椀ve, and his parents 昀椀rst became acquainted with
our program more than a year ago during Program Katye (Element of Play® in
the neighborhood). Despite Je昀�é’s inherently joyful and energe琀椀c nature, he
has encountered signi昀椀cant developmental delays across various domains.
His ini琀椀al Ages and Stages Ques琀椀onnaire (ASQ) assessment revealed belowaverage developmental progress in all areas, exacerbated by physical disabili琀椀es
manifes琀椀ng as limp hands and feet, necessita琀椀ng personalized one-to-one a琀琀en琀椀on.
Upon Je昀�é’s enrollment in WWO’s Element of Play® program, he presented challenges in
communica琀椀on, limited to producing indis琀椀nct sounds, rendering it di昀케cult to discern his
comprehension. Furthermore, his motor skills were considerably impaired, rendering him
unable to employ his hands or manage his body for typical childhood ac琀椀vi琀椀es.
Over subsequent months during the EOP program, tailored one-to-one ac琀椀vi琀椀es facilitated
Je昀�é’s exposure to a variety of sensory-rich experiences, including singing, storytelling, outdoor
games, and arts and cra昀琀s. These ac琀椀vi琀椀es contributed to the progressive development of his
language, coordina琀椀on skills, and overall motor control.
In 2023, Je昀�é has expanded his vocabulary to include more than 10 signi昀椀cant words, he ac琀椀vely par琀椀cipates
in singing ac琀椀vi琀椀es, and has demonstrated improved motor skills, such as drawing, using modeling clay,
and likes to play soccer. The most recent ASQ assessment highlights signi昀椀cant advancements in Je昀�é’s
developmental trajectory. While he con琀椀nues to lag behind typical developmental benchmarks for his age,
the observed progress is noteworthy, considering his unique circumstances.
Je昀�é’s mother a琀琀ests to his newfound enthusiasm for spending 琀椀me with WWO, marking his ini琀椀al foray
into social interac琀椀ons beyond the con昀椀nes of his home. She notes considerable strides in his behavior,
ci琀椀ng increased openness to strangers, heightened a琀琀en琀椀veness during conversa琀椀ons, adherence to
instruc琀椀ons, and emula琀椀on of rou琀椀ne ac琀椀vi琀椀es alongside his older sisters.
2022 Annual Report