WWO 2023 Impact Report Final - Flipbook - Page 15
Meet IVO
Ivo lives in one room of a small house together with his large family grandmother, grandfather, uncle, aunt and their children. He grew up
malnourished and underweight for his age. Surrounded by rela琀椀ves who
spoke a language foreign to him, Ivo’s sense of belonging o昀琀en felt elusive.
His parents, burdened by unemployment and the strain of providing for their
large family, struggled to o昀昀er him the a琀琀en琀椀on and support he needed to
When he came to the Element of Play® learning space a year ago, Ivo
was frustrated, uncommunica琀椀ve, clinging to his mother or grandmother,
estranged from the other children. He barely u琀琀ered a word and had
di昀케culty concentra琀椀ng. His interest in toys was limited to throwing
them, and only with the help of his mother was he able to show and
maintain his interest in play.
It took more than two months for Ivo to join the circle with the
other children. Thanks to the individual sessions with WWO’s play
specialist, Ivo became more con昀椀dent and joined the group play
with ease. Ivo discovered his love of drawing.
Though challenges s琀椀ll lay ahead, Ivo’s journey was no longer one
of solitude and despair. He had found his voice, his place among
his peers, and a sense of belonging that transcended the con昀椀nes
of his small village.
2022 Annual Report