Wesley Mission Annual Report 2020 - Flipbook - Page 58
Executive Leadership Team
Rev Keith V Garner AM
Chris England
MTh (Oxon), DD (Hon)
Chief Operating Officer
For biographical information please see page 56.
Chris is responsible for the delivery of Wesley
Mission’s community services including aged care,
disability services, homelessness programs,
conference and educational services, out-of-home
care programs, mental health hospitals and
programs, and child and family services.
David Cannings
Chief Financial Officer
In his role as Chief Financial Officer at Wesley
Mission, David oversees our accounting, financial
planning and procurement services. David has over
25 years’ executive management experience in a
range of industries, including the social services
sector and the finance services sector (including life
insurance, superannuation, funds management,
endowment management, financial planning and
banking). This has been in a diverse range of
organisations including listed companies, private
companies and not-for-profit organisations. David
also serves on a number of board committees
within the sector and outside of Wesley Mission.
Rev Dr Rick Dacey
Senior Minister, Wesley Congregational Life
BA, MDiv, DMin
Rick is responsible for the Congregational Life and
Chaplaincy of Wesley Mission. He has broad
experience in diverse ministry contexts and served
as Senior Minister of a large church in Connecticut,
USA, before moving with his wife and children to
Australia in 2007 to serve in the Uniting Church.
Rick’s passion for preaching and his commitment to
whole-life discipleship led him to accept a call to
serve Wesley Mission in July 2012.
How decisions are made
Wesley Mission
Wesley Community
Services Limited Board
Mission Council
Mission Council
Executive Commitee
Wesley Quality & Risk
CEO / Superintendent
Wesley Management
He has worked at Wesley Mission for 17 years.
Prior roles included leadership positions at Mission
Australia, Accenture and Matrix on Board.
Catherine King
General Counsel and Company Secretary
BA (Hons), LLB, Grad Dip Legal Practice, Grad
Certificate of Management (AGSM)
Catherine has oversight of the legal, risk and
company secretarial functions of Wesley Mission.
Catherine has over 25 years’ experience across the
public, private and not-for-profit sectors at executive
level in corporate governance, legal services,
strategy and business planning, risk management
and major government reform projects.
Before joining Wesley Mission, Catherine worked in
the community housing and energy sectors where
she was responsible for delivering several major
change projects, including the sale and transition to
private ownership of state-owned assets, divestment
of government services and other significant
regulatory reform projects. Her company secretary
experience spans public, private and not-for-profit
Wesley Finance & Audit
Wesley Governance
Wesley Congregational Life
Senior Minister
Chief Operating Officer
Wesley Finance
Chief Financial Officer
Wesley Community Services Limited Board:
Senior leadership and groups
Responsible for Wesley Mission’s governing
purpose, principles and strategic direction, our
Board is chaired by Michael Anderson.
• W
esley Finance and Audit Committee: reviews
operational and capital budgets, management
reports and periodic forecasts and oversees
financial audits.
• Wesley Quality & Risk Committee: reviews
clinical care, privacy and customer feedback.
• Wesley Governance Committee: responsible
for effective board structure, selection and
performance monitoring framework, oversight
of CEO performance and remuneration of key
Mission Council: Church council setting the
strategic vision, direction and with oversight for the
congregations of Wesley Mission.
Wesley Management Committee
Wesley Senior Leadership Team
Wesley Property Planning Group
Wesley Quality Risk & Compliance Review Group
Wesley Child Safety Improvement Group
Wesley Project & Change Leadership Group
Effectively managing risk
Wesley Mission’s overarching risk management
framework, policies and methodologies are based
on the ISO 31000:2018 standard. Wesley Mission
applies the Three Lines of Defence model to
manage risk at the strategic and operational levels.
In 19/20, additional training has been delivered to
facilitate increased risk maturity.
Each year, the Board approves a Risk Appetite
Statement which articulates its appetite for risks the
organisation faces in pursuit of its strategic
objectives. The Risk Appetite Statement is an
integral part of Wesley Mission’s Risk Management
Framework as clearly articulated risk appetite and
risk tolerance assist in communicating how much
risk is acceptable, enabling more consistent risk
taking throughout the organisation.
Areas in which Wesley Mission has a very low
tolerance for risks as outlined in the 19/20 Risk
Appetite Statement:
• d
elivering services that improve people’s
lives – very low appetite for risks that may result in
significant preventable or foreseeable harm to our
• providing a safe workplace for all – very low
appetite for significant foreseeable harm to
• upholding our mission and vision – very low
appetite for risks that would weaken the bond
between our Word and deed ministry
• keeping data secure and confidential – very low
appetite for information systems security risk
• meeting mandated standards of care,
accreditation and other obligations - very low
appetite for risks that would cause us to fail to
meet mandated standards of care for our clients.
Additional measures to manage risk:
• heads of Risk and Legal provide quality
assurance, internal audits, risk mitigation and
legal support for Wesley Mission activities
• risk assessments are included in business cases,
regular reviews against the risk management
framework are conducted, including bi-monthly
controls effectiveness reviews
• an annual program for reviewing and refreshing
key governance documents, including the Risk
Management Framework and the Clinical
Governance Framework.