SPR30831 WLF SPA WhitePaper v12 - Flipbook - Page 6
Executive summary
Wesley Mission, through interviews with its specialist homelessness
service, has identified that changes to the safe housing arrangements
for people experiencing homelessness are likely to impact their
wellbeing. The shift to hotel-style accommodation and back to former
hostel arrangements will disrupt the lives of an already vulnerable
population; in addition to those Australians who may become homeless if
the economic downturn continues in the medium term. We ask the
government to take up the recommendation of the recent Draft Report of
the Productivity Commission Inquiry into the Mental Health Commission
and consider investment in long-term, safe, affordable housing so that
Australians who lack the security of a place to call home have options
available to them.
The Australian Government has already shown significant leadership in
upscaling support for victims of domestic violence. There are reports
from leading domestic and family violence organisations, including
Wesley Mission’s operations on the ground, that social distancing
measures have exacerbated the conditions that increase risk for
victims of domestic and family violence, and the Australian
Government’s investment is a step in the right direction. More needs to be
done however, to support workers in this challenging field to recognise
the signs where families may be at risk of suicidal behaviours. We call on
the Australian Government to consider an investment in targeted suicide
prevention training for these frontline personnel, in addition to other key
touchpoints for vulnerable members of the community.
Finally, the media plays a significant role in informing the community
about the developing COVID-19 situation. There is a strong public
interest in transparent, factual information concerning COVID-19.
However, our independently commissioned analysis of media sentiment
has found coverage, particularly concerning the relationship between the
pandemic response and suicidality, has at times been alarmist.
We encourage the Australian Government to continue widely promoting
its fact-based sources of information on COVID-19, while informing the
media of its role in safe reporting and language use concerning suicide.
We welcome the proactive response taken by governments across
Australia to COVID-19: an unprecedented disruption in our economy,
society and way of life. We hope that this report provides a useful
snapshot of some of the considerations that will prove to be important as
governments consider the mental health and suicide prevention aspects
of their recovery effort.
Together, we can achieve a world without suicide.
Reducing distress in the community following the COVID-19 pandemic
June 2020