SPR30831 WLF SPA WhitePaper v12 - Flipbook - Page 40
Access support
Need help right now?
13 11 14
Suicide Call Back Service
1300 659 467
Ambulance and Police
Need support?
Wesley Financial Counselling
1300 827 638
National Debt Hotline
1800 007 007
Wesley Gambling Counselling
1300 827 638
Wesley Edward Eagar Centre
Crisis accommodation
1300 259 789
Open Arms, Veterans and
Veterans Family Counselling Service
1800 011 046
Domestic violence, sexual assault and family violence
Kids Helpline
1800 55 1800
MensLine Australia
1300 78 99 78
Counselling Online
Drug and alcohol counselling
Family Drug Support Australia
1300 368 186
National Alcohol and Other Drug hotline
1800 250 015
Homelessness services by state
1800 152 152
Australian Capital Territory
Call OneLink
1800 176 468
Northern Territory
Crisis Accom. Service
1800 825 955
South Australia
Homelessness Gateway
1800 003 308
Youth Gateway
(aged between 15 and 25 years)
1300 306 046 or 1800 807 364
Homeless Connect
1800 800 588
Homeless Hotline (HPIQ)
1800 474 753
Western Australia
Crisis Care
1800 199 008
How can I get involved?
oin a Wesley LifeForce Network, which brings together people and organisations in local
communities to raise awareness about suicide, while empowering members to develop suicide
prevention strategies at a grassroots level.
Call 1800 100 024 or email lifeforce@wesleymission.org.au
Book suicide prevention training with Wesley LifeForce Training, which aims to educate and
equip Australians with the tools to recognise and help someone who is at risk of suicide.
Visit wesleymission.org.au/suicide-prevention-training
Join Suicide Prevention Australia at suicidepreventionaust.org/membership
For media reporting
Refer to Mindframe at mindframe.org.au for safe media reporting, portrayal and
communication guidelines about suicide, mental health, alcohol and other drugs.