Aim 4:We will continueto purchase andtrade ethicallyHow we will achieve this?Our Cooperative buying group is wellknown for building collaborative andmutual benefit relationships with itssuppliers, whilst ensuring that they alwaysadhere to their Sustainable ProcurementPolicy and Ethical Code of Conduct.We expect all our suppliers to committo continuous improvement towardscompliance with the environmental,human rights and labour standardsspecified in these policies. We too aimto operate to the highest professionalstandards in our procurement activities,and seek to:- Develop a ‘best practice’ code of ethics policy for procurement.- Establish effective two-way communication with suppliersto achieve policy compliance.- Pay our suppliers on time, according to the agreed terms of trade.- Continue to champion local and Fairtrade sales growth for farmersand producers .- Develop an ethical sourcing policy for local suppliers to conform to.- Support local producers to develop more sustainable waysof working.- Proactively engage with local suppliers to help them developtheir range and quality.- Work with local government and partners to encourage healthierchoices through marketing and range of products.- Continue to work with local authorities and partners on initiatives toaddress food inequality.CI Coop47
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