0807aa7f-fd00-48af-9332-fd50585ccc25 (1) - Flipbook - Page 10
Doing business ethically keeps us true to our values
Every year our leadership team get
together to determine the right course
for the coming years.
This will help us shift from a maintenance
mindset – which was absolutely right for the
pandemic years – to a growth mindset.
The years following 2023 will by no means
be easy. The Islands are still recovering from
the impacts of the third wave of the global
pandemic. Channel Islands supply lines are
still disrupted from the UK leaving the Single
Market and Customs Union. The climate
emergency has become more urgent, not
less. The costs of living for our members
and colleagues are increasing faster than
incomes, and there is a talent shortage in the
Channel Islands.
On the foundations of doing the basics
brilliantly we will deliver on our strategy
– journeying towards carbon net zero,
reducing plastic and reducing food waste.
Consistent with this we are committed
to improving the lives of people in our
communities, particularly as we roll out our
new and refurbished store programme.
A sustainable approach to the employment
and engagement of our colleagues is vital
to all our strategic imperatives as we won’t
deliver any of it without people.
But tough circumstances don’t push good
businesses to leave behind their ethical
commitments. Challenging times reveal
the character that was already there.
Our short-term objectives are very much
focused on stabilising our food business back
to a stable footing, improving our operational
standards and rebuilding post-pandemic.
Finally, 2023 is the year in which we launch
and roll out our Ethical Decision-Making Tool.
This is a world-leading initiative to embed
ethics at every level of management and
operations. Other businesses have done this
at executive level, but we are serious about
doing this across the whole of the CI Coop.
We are committed to make a real difference to
the communities we serve. We have promised
to put purpose before profit, giving back to our
members and local communities in our Islands.
Coops have been doing this for hundreds of
years and we are not going to stop.
Being a force for good for planet, places,
people and partners is not some new strategy
for us. It in our DNA, and it’s what we meant
when we said, “belonging is everything”. We
are going to make a real difference because
that is the expression of our deepest values of
being Caring, Helpful, Positive and embracing
Togetherness. So, doing the right thing is not
just a thing we have chosen lately. It’s the only
thing we ever could be.
It all fits
together for us…