Inkling 2024 FINAL PT - Flipbook - Page 27
I looked down upon the grassy oelds I
call my home, my roots stand strong.
I cast shade upon the people who
play under my branches. I live in the
middle of a central park, in the middle
of a seacoast island town. I9ve seen
this town transition from forests to
urbanization, I9ve witnessed their
people grow, and seen my companions
who live in this soil grow and pass
away. I9ve lived years, decades, ages,
just observing. All I do is observe; that9s
all I9m able to do. Every day, three kids
stop by me on their way to school.
I9ve known them ever since they were
toddlers and orst set foot in this park.
I watched them grow, and sometimes,
before school, they stop by me to climb
on my branches.
listen, unable to ofer solace. Humans
don9t realize how much power they
hold, they can do anything they want,
and they take movement for granted.