Visa &permits.VIS provides help, assistance and thenecessary information in order to registerwith the Austrian authorities or to obtaina residence permit for Austria. There arecosts associated with the registration andobtaining this residence permit (and itsrenewal), which are not borne by VIS. Thesemay be claimed against the next yearÕs taxreturn. VIS teaching staff are not required toobtain work permits.EU passport holders (including Iceland,Liechtenstein, Norway,and Switzerland)can enter Austria at any time. They do notrequire a residence permit but need toregisterwith the Vienna city authorities.All non-EU citizens require a residence permitfor Austria. In order to receive the relevantresidence title, several administrativesteps have to be taken. VIS will provideinformation on this process, as well as helpand assistance with the official registrationprocedures but supporting documents willhave to be provided by the teacher. Visaapplications might have to be submitted atan Austrian Embassy or Consulate abroad.Public documents like birth certificates,marriage certificates, police clearances andqualification certificates from teachers andtheir dependents have to be provided inan authenticated version (ÒlegalisationÓ) sothat they can be used internationally.Accompanying family members(dependents) also have to apply forresidence permits. Only married partners willbe considered as family members and canobtain a residence permit.15
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