CBZ Partnership Magazine 2023 3rd Edition - Flipbook - Page 24
Crossword Puzzle
Bank Terms
A person who deposit money in a bank or who
has a bank account
The value of a business ,property etc,in
terms of what it can be sold for on the open
market,current value
The business of buying and selling or bartering
CBZ Partnership Magazine 2023 3rd Edition
The items detailed on a balance sheet ,especially
in relation to liabilities and capital
Money that is ready available
Able to be maintained or kept going as an action
or process
A person or thing that regulates
Removal from a place of deposit or investment
The maximum amount of credit that a customer
of a store,bank etc is authorized to use
The concerted action of depositors who try to
withdraw their money from a bank because they
fear that the bank will fail
To make known,reveal or uncover