2023-AR-Final - Flipbook - Page 10
Because success looks different for everyone, Y.O.U. supports
youth as they 昀椀gure out their own de昀椀nition of success. 97%
of caregivers say Y.O.U. has helped their child establish future
goals. By encouraging them to explore a multitude of interests
in the present, we help them envision their future.
Shark Tank Showdown
Chute Middle School staff introduced youth to entrepreneurship in this new enrichment
where youth learned about famous entrepreneurs of color and created their own brands.
Youth collaborated with each other to design and create products such as hydrodipped
sunglasses, jewelry, buttons, and lip scrubs. The entrepreneurs put their marketing and
leadership skills into action during a Family Night where they launched and sold their
Art Exhibition
Youth at Oakton, Washington, and King Arts spent last winter exploring their creativity
with Art Encounter, one of Y.O.U.’s longtime enrichment providers. They started by
journaling as a way to explore feelings that they don’t normally talk about, then they
created colorful abstract art. Youth displayed their work in a month-long exhibit at the
Evanston Public Library. Y.O.U. took the artists on a 昀椀eld trip to the opening reception,
where families were invited to see all of the artwork, take a tour of the library, and sign
up for library cards.
It builds up your self-esteem when you can see your
artwork displayed in public and provides encouragement
that youth can also be artists or authors. And that they
don’t have to wait—they are doing it now!