October 19 Issue - Newspaper - Page 19
Page 19
October 19 2023
Moving In with Mom
By Tonja Taylor
…2 “Honor your father
and mother” (which is
the first commandment
with a promise), 3 “that
it may go well with you
and that you may have
a long life on the earth.
--Ephesians 6:2-3,
Berean Standard Bible
Sometimes it's a
challenge to honor
one's parents, especially
if their spiritual beliefs
are different, but the
LORD helps us learn to
accept and love and
honor them, as only He
successful salesperson,
cheerleader at the
events of my brother
and I, etc. She and Dad
had also been there for
me in the hardest of
times, and been very
gracious, giving,
covenant faithful.
However, with all her
goodness, her life had
not been built on the
Word of God, but on
the medical and
pharmaceutical system.
From what I knew, and
you are truly My
disciples. 32 Then you
will know the truth, and
the truth will set you
free.” …--John 8:30-32,
Berean Standard Bible
So, the LORD dropped
deeply and suddenly
into my spirit, that,
because we did not
want to have to put
Mom in a nursing home
(and she insisted she
wasn't going anyway),
but wanted her to be
able to stay in the nice
home she and Dad built
over 50 years ago, that I
always and forever
leads us in right paths,
for His name's sake.
When He does
something, it's always a
win-win. This move,
although requiring
separation from my
husband several days a
week, while I lived in
one room, and served
her, including in the
middle of the night
changing underwear
and such, cooking her
and whatever else was
needed, was humbling.
forever, and sees the
whole picture; the end
from the beginning. His
Plans for us are so good
(Jeremiah 29:11)!
So, if the LORD is
talking to you about
serving your aging
parents--just like He
convinced me that I
was to be away from
my dear husband for a
while to take care of
mom "24/7"---take time
to ask a couple of
choice prayer warriors
to pray with you, but
My husband and I had
been praying for help
for Mom, my dear
elderly, widowed,
diseased, very crippled
81-year-old mother.
We had also been
praying for the LORD
to give us strategies to
get out of debt and have
more to give to the
When dear Mom fell
again (with no one at
the house that night to
help her, because she
had insisted that she
didn't need anyone) and
cracked two ribs and
was found on the floor
after several hours, she
had to go to the
hospital, then the rehab:
several days each.
During this time, when
we were with her in the
emergency room that
first night, grief and
anger at the devil's
work in her life
overwhelmed me. My
dear mother never
should have had to
suffer all the mess she
had suffered with, and
none of it was God's
will. She was the oldest
of many kids (who had
all died already), a
diligent and intelligent
worker, who was the
one who cared for,
helped, served, and
gave (including
financially) to everyone
she knew who ever
needed anything.
She had been a great
leader of our kids' clubs
and more, having her
own cake decorating
business, being a
talented artist,
she had said, she didn't
really believe the
LORD could or would
heal her from the many
afflictions she'd
suffered, especially the
past six years since Dad
was to move in with
her, to care for her 24/7,
in addition to her
regular daytime helpers
who served her just a
few hours a week.
By the way, try as we
might, we cannot
believe in someone
else. They must make
their own choices, and
only the LORD knows
the heart of a person. I
have had to learn not to
judge, and to be very,
very thankful for the
teaching of the Word
that I have received
through the years.
We know the Truth, and
He makes and keeps us
free! Hallelujah!
30 As Jesus spoke these
things, many believed
in Him. 31 So He said
to the Jews who had
believed Him. "If you
continue in My word,
However, I knew that,
although Mom had
been trying to get me to
agree to take the house
when she passed one,
and I had not desired it
for years, my
agreement was part of
the "suddenly."
God gives us grace,
though! He is faithful
forever, and with us
always. He is our Rock!
The LORD knows all
things, and He knows
what's coming, and
where we need to be. I
never intended to move
back to the community
where I grew up. I said
for many years that I
'never' would.
When the LORD shows
you something clearly,
your spirit knows it,
and you may have to
tell your mind to shut
up. The details may not
make sense, but God
He's broken me out of
almost every never in
my life, but His Plan is
always the best,
although it may be hard
on the flesh. He is
faithful and good
know that ultimately,
the answer will come to
your heart by His
Spirit. Then be
prepared to know that
the answer (just like
any issue in life,
especially in these
weird times of the Last
Days!) may be different
than you think.
God is faithful forever,
and good all the time!
Tonja and her husband
live to exalt God. They
serve Himiat church;
via books;
presentations; the
"River Rain Creative"
and "POWERLight
Learning" YouTube
channels; and in their
jobs. Tonja tutors kids
online in core subjects
and more. Book 5 of
P.O.W.E.R. Girl! is
done, and Book 6 is in
the works!