VISIBle InfoPackage2024 conceptsin jan11 - Flipbook - Page 5
Which workshop should I choose?
Choose from a variety of IB PD options and pathways, all of which
are supported by a global architecture, consistently high-quality
materials and ongoing workshop leader training. The IB workshops
and services catalogue includes all four IB programmes, along with
other IB products. Please visit the online catalogue for full details and
Category 1
descriptors of the workshops we have on offer.
The International Baccalaureate® (IB) has three categories of workshop:
Choose Category 1 if you are
• Category 1, which focus on IB philosophy and implementation
new to the IB or if your situation
• Category 2, which focus on delivery of the four IB programmes
is similar to any of the
You are new to the faculty of a
of education
• Category 3, for educators to build on and enhance
their professional development portfolios
longstanding IB World School
Depending on your circumstances and experience, you may need
and have not taught in an IB
workshops in a particular category.
programme previously
Image: unsplash/Brooke Cagle
You are aware of the IB philosophy and programme struc-
Category 2
ture but are not experienced
Category 3
in teaching or administrating
Choose Category 2 workshops
the IB
to develop your expertise in
Choose Category 3 workshops
You are familiar with the IB
delivering an IB programme.
to go more deeply into areas
subject guide (including as-
You will have an opportunity
you enjoy and to strengthen
sessment procedures and
your understanding and mas-
moderation) and would like
make connections between
tery of a particular subject.
greater con昀椀dence before
programme frameworks and
teaching a course
classroom practice
Note: teachers and other
You have inherited a course
enhance your understanding
school leaders who do not
and would like to review the
of assessment in IB
teach in an IB school but wish
subject content before teach-
to sample IB learning may
ing it to suit your own style and
discuss and analyse standards
choose to participate in
and practices
Category 3 workshops.
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