CHNA - Flipbook - Page 15
The other key issue identified was Healthcare Quality.
Issues of quality fell into four primary categories:
Healthcare Quality was defined as:
Appropriate workforce
Preventative Care
Coordination and Navigation
Affordable treatment for
chronic diseases.
• Workforce Issues: There were many complaints about
long wait time for appointments, lack of qualified
doctors/nurses, and in-network providers. People
wanted to see more choice within healthcare and shorter
waiting times for appointments.
• Preventative Care: People felt that healthcare quality
was directly linked to preventative care. People felt that
this was critical to overall health, and often a barrier.
While they might be able to access care for specific
health issues, overall quality of preventative care was
low. Particularly, people wanted to minimize risk factors
for chronic diseases.
• Coordination/Navigation: People indicated that
navigating the healthcare and insurance can feel very
complex. Support, especially for specific groups such as
seniors and non-English speakers, is needed to ensure
healthcare quality and access.
Chronic Disease: Quality of healthcare was also
defined by accessibility to treatments for chronic
disease, including cost of prescription drugs.
Health Information: There was a stated need by many
people in the community for continued and improved
access to updated health information, including
preventative education, healthy eating, cooking for
specific health conditions, and information on how to
access and navigate health systems and health
COVID-19 was still a significant concern within our
community. People were concerned not only about
illness, but the impacts of isolation on our overall mental,
physical, and community wellbeing.
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