The One Year Bible for Women - Flipbook - Page 67
January 21
to you. I’ll be responsible for him, and I promise to bring him back.”
38 But Jacob replied, “My son will not go
down with you. His brother Joseph is dead,
and he is all I have left. If anything should happen to him on your journey, you would send
this grieving, white-haired man to his grave.*”
palace. Then go slaughter an animal, and prepare a big feast.” 17 So the man did as Joseph
told him and took them into Joseph’s palace.
18 The brothers were terrified when they
saw that they were being taken into Joseph’s
house. “It’s because of the money someone
put in our sacks last time we were here,” they
said. “He plans to pretend that we stole it. Then
43:1 But the famine continued to ravage the land
he will seize us, make us slaves, and take our
of Canaan. When the grain they had brought donkeys.”
from Egypt was almost gone, Jacob said to his
19 The brothers approached the manager of
sons, “Go back and buy us a little more food.”
eph’s household and spoke to him at the
3 But Judah said, “The man was serious when
entrance to the palace. 20 “Sir,” they said, “we
he warned us, ‘You won’t see my face again un- came to Egypt once before to buy food. 21 But
less your brother is with you.’ 4 If you send Ben as we were returning home, we stopped for
jamin with us, we will go down and buy more the night and opened our sacks. Then we disfood. 5 But if you don’t let Benjamin go, we covered that each man’s m
oney—the exact
won’t go either. Remember, the man said, ‘You amount paid—was in the top of his sack! Here
won’t see my face again unless your brother is it is; we have brought it back with us. 22 We also
with you.’”
have additional money to buy more food. We
6 “Why were you so cruel to me?” Jacob*
have no idea who put our money in our sacks.”
moaned. “Why did you tell him you had an23 “Relax. Don’t be afraid,” the household
other brother?”
manager told them. “Your God, the God of
7 “The man kept asking us questions about
your father, must have put this treasure into
our family,” they replied. “He asked, ‘Is your fa- your sacks. I know I received your payment.”
ther still alive? Do you have another brother?’ Then he released Simeon and brought him out
So we answered his questions. How could we to them.
know he would say, ‘Bring your brother down
24 The manager then led the men into Jo
seph’s palace. He gave them water to wash
8 Judah said to his father, “Send the boy with
their feet and provided food for their donkeys.
me, and we will be on our way. Otherwise we 25 They were told they would be eating there,
will all die of starvation—and not only we, but so they prepared their gifts for Joseph’s aryou and our little ones. 9 I personally guaran- rival at noon.
26 When Joseph came home, they gave him
tee his safety. You may hold me responsible
if I don’t bring him back to you. Then let me the gifts they had brought him, then bowed
bear the blame forever. 10 If we hadn’t wasted low to the ground before him. 27 After greetall this time, we could have gone and returned ing them, he asked, “How is your father, the old
twice by now.”
man you spoke about? Is he still alive?”
11 So their father, Jacob, finally said to them,
28 “Yes,” they replied. “Our father, your ser“If it can’t be avoided, then at least do this. vant, is alive and well.” And they bowed low
Pack your bags with the best products of this again.
29 Then Joseph looked at his brother Benja
land. Take them down to the man as g ifts—
balm, honey, gum, aromatic resin, pistachio min, the son of his own mother. “Is this your
nuts, and almonds. 12 Also take double the youngest brother, the one you told me about?”
money that was put back in your sacks, as it Joseph asked. “May God be gracious to you,
was probably someone’s mistake. 13 Then take my son.” 30 Then Joseph hurried from the
your brother, and go back to the man. 14 May room because he was overcome with emoGod Almighty* give you mercy as you go be- tion for his brother. He went into his private
fore the man, so that he will release Simeon room, where he broke down and wept. 31 After
and let Benjamin return. But if I must lose my washing his face, he came back out, keepchildren, so be it.”
ing himself under control. Then he ordered,
15 So the men packed Jacob’s gifts and
“Bring out the food!”
32 The waiters served Jo
double the money and headed off with Ben
seph at his own
jamin. They finally arrived in Egypt and table, and his brothers were served at a sepapresented themselves to Joseph. 16 When Jo rate table. The Egyptians who ate with Joseph
seph saw Benjamin with them, he said to the sat at their own table, because Egyptians demanager of his household, “These men will spise Hebrews and refuse to eat with them.
eat with me this noon. Take them inside the 33 Joseph told each of his brothers where to
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