Jesus Biographers - Flipbook - Page 8
Vital statistics
Where: Probably met Paul in Troas
Occupations: Doctor, historian, traveling companion
Contemporaries: Paul, Timothy, Silas, Peter
Key verses
“Many people have set out to write accounts about the events that have been fulfilled among us.
They used the eyewitness reports circulating among us from the early disciples. Having carefully
investigated everything from the beginning, I also have decided to write a careful account for you,
most honorable Theophilus, so you can be certain of the truth of everything you were taught.”
(Luke 1:1-4)
Luke includes himself in the ”we” sections of Acts 16–28. He is also mentioned in Luke 1:3; Acts
1:1; Colossians 4:14; 2 Timothy 4:11; Philemon 1:24.
Jesus’ Biographers: A look at the writers of the four Gospels.The inside story of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John.