DaySpring Hope & Encouragement Bible - Flipbook - Page 11
James Barnett
Dear Reader,
You are special, you are loved, you are not alone, and you have a purpose. Has anyone told
you lately? It’s true, based on God’s Word. But so many times we struggle to believe God
actually loves us as individuals and wants a relationship with us that’s real and personal!
And He wants us to share that love with others!
Most of us are not theologians or Bible scholars, yet we desire to know God intimately
and share His love with others effectively. We just don’t always know how. I am so excited
about this Bible because our team has sought to illuminate the Word of God in such a way
that helps you engage in Scripture in a personal and unintimidating way—and in a way that
encourages you to share.
At DaySpring, we believe our assignment through the years has been to help you
know and share God’s love in fresh, true, and inspiring ways. We like to say that we are a
company, really just a group of normal people, that seeks to help you—not just on Sunday,
but Monday through Saturday as well—to live out your faith. Our goal has always been
to help people engage in inspiring words and scriptural truth that provide “living water” a
cupful at a time! Our vision comes to life when we are able to help every person experience
and express the life-changing message of God’s love.
One phrase I have used for many years around DaySpring is that “we are about people
and their relationship with God and each other.” I believe it describes the essence of
Jesus’ response to the greatest commandment: “‘You must love the Lord your God with
all your heart, all your soul, and all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment.
A second is equally important: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself ’” (Matthew 22:3739). My
prayer for you is that the twelve truths and additional thoughts of hope and encouragement
in this Bible draw attention to the truth of God’s heart for you in a very personal way and
strengthen your relationship with God. Then as you are filled up, may you be refreshed and
inspired to share God’s life-giving love with those around you. His love for you never fails!
God’s heart for you is good. Lean in!
Now all glory to God, who is able, through his mighty power at work within us,
to accomplish infinitely more than we might ask or think.
E P H E S I A N S 3:2 0
DaySpring President