אידישע כחPowerfulreminder that we are all stronger than weDear Friends,To understand the depth of this album, is tounderstand what life is essentially all about.think, and that, because of this gift fromHashem, we can achieve anything we set ourminds to.It also alludes to the power andOur first album produced with the talentedenergySruly Green, who brings such an energeticmessage. Throughout the album, with Kumzitz,(“Koach”)ofSruly’s(“Hayisraeli”)vibe to everything he does, will spread simchadance, and hartzig hits, all the songs are ato any one who listens. Al pi Derech Haba’alreminder that you are not alone, and that youShem Tov, Sruly teaches through song, themessagethateachYidcansuperpowers that live deep inside.accessA Yiddoesn’t have to look for an external source ofenergy, rather they are powered by aninherent Kedusha, and this is their superpower.ThisenergyallowsaYidtoovercomehave the power to overcome anything.The incredibly talented Mendy Portnoy, takesthe message of each song and so beautifullyblends the holy words with the uplifting music,really bringing to life the personalities andjourneys of everyone involved in the album.adversity, find strength in the face of fear, andWe are so excited to present this album toto believe in their essential goodness.you, and we hope that through getting toLifetakes us to many places, and the journey caninternalize Sruly’s message of Emunah in theat times seem like an impossible task, butKoach of a Yid, you can also tap into yourHashemimplantedineachofusthissuperpower and gave it the ability to infuse ussuperpower and work on perfecting the worldand bringing Mashiach.with Chizzuk, Simcha, and Emuna.The title track of the album, Koach Hayisraeli,drives home this point. This song especially is amessage of hope and empowerment. It is a- TYH Nation | Sruly Green
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