Forward Bank Article - Redmond Featured Project - Article / Essay - Page 2
Successful Main Office Uses Essential Design Elements
The master planning and architectural design strategies of today’s main offices can be a complex and major
endeavor for banks of all sizes. The design and layout
can impact many aspects of business, from employee
satisfaction and productivity to talent recruitment and
retention, as well as competitive differentiation and
customer experiences. It is vital to have a partner who
is an expert in the financial design-build industry and
knows the essential design elements that make a main
office successful.
Once the optimal location and site were identified,
Redmond’s real estate consulting and acquisition team
led negotiations to purchase a premier site in Marshfield, Wisconsin. Redmond then completed the due diligence, planning/zoning, and city approvals so design
could commence.
A successful main office design can be a tool in attracting and retaining great employees, as well as enhancing customer loyalty. To achieve this, Redmond
implemented a number of Essential Design Elements,
While Forward Bank’s main office served their team including: daylight harvesting, flexible work spaces,
and community well, expansion was needed to better biophilic (nature-centered) design, collaboration areas,
function in the community they loved. Forward Bank and interactive display solutions.
chose to relocate to a more convenient and visible reDuring the design phase, Jerry Mortier, Redmond’s
tail location where they could grow well into the fuDirector
of Architecture, explained the benefits of dayture. When Forward Bank decided to build their new
headquarters they had a vision of what they wanted, but light harvesting and how it could be incorporated into
needed the right company to make their dream a reali- Forward Bank’s design. “Lighting was chosen as the
ty. After vetting a number of companies, The Redmond primary accent and feature piece of the building’s inteCompany was selected as Forward Bank’s partner be- rior and it’s no surprise why. Natural light maintains the
cause of their 42 years of financial experience in real basic processes our bodies need to function, and better
estate, bank design, operations, delivery systems, tech- workplace lighting has been linked to a 15% reduction
nology, branding, and construction. Redmond reviewed in office absenteeism and an average productivity inthe market and recommended the ideal site for their crease of 11%.” The presence of ample daylight and
new main office and designed a state-of-the-art facility exterior views, as well as opportunities for active and
to help increase employee engagement and productiv- passive contact with nature, all have a positive impact
ity while creating an outstanding customer experience. on people’s well-being. In Forward Bank, exterior windows were maximized in size and all office doors have
sidelites and transoms to bring light as deep into the
floor plate as possible. “Access to natural light was
very important for the bank to promote productivity,”
Mortier said, “the north side of the building, where the
corners are full height glass from ground to roof, helps
take advantage of the softer light.”
Photo by: Miller + Miller Photography
Forward Bank lobby with innovative technology solutions
Natural daylight isn’t the only design element which
aids with employee wellness and productivity; agile
and flexible work spaces, biophilic design (nature-centered), and collaboration areas also increase employee
output and satisfaction levels. Employee production
and happiness levels are higher in workspaces designed
to support healthy ergonomics, and people are more
productive in comfortable work spaces. Studies reveal
a 30% swing in productivity based upon people-centered design. Mortier stated that one of the features was
Great Lakes Banker • June 2018