The Ethanol Papers - Paperturn manuscript - Flipbook - Page 478
If you don't believe these videos, and you think the results were accomplished
by a Las Vegas magician, try the experiment yourself in your kitchen, basement,
or backyard - or better yet, in your neighbor's kitchen, basement, or backyard.
Then just for fun, read this very recent study from the U.S. Department of Agriculture that says ethanol produces 43% less greenhouse gas emissions than
Or you can read this report from the U.S. Energy Department "Biofuels & Greenhouse Gas Emissions: Myths versus Facts," that states unequivocally that ethanol produces far less GHG than gasoline:
By the way, the U.S. Energy Dept. report is from 2007. The significance of this
is that ethanol's GHG benefits have been known for years, and the newer study
concludes that the results have gotten even better. So, when charlatans like
Messrs. Wolfram and Shughart try to pass off so-called puke-reviewed* information that says something else, they should be rebuked in the harshest terms.
A tactic that the oil industry uses to try and put the "ethanol is dirtier than gasoline" myth over on the public is a trick, but not from a glamorous Las Vegas
magician, more than a scuzzball on 42nd Street with his three-card monte
game. Here's what they say: "The tractor's used on the farms have to use diesel
fuel; and the trucks to ship the ethanol have to use diesel fuel; and the blah,
blah, blah to blah, blah, blah the ethanol has to use gasoline. And so all this use
of diesel and gasoline creates additional harmful emissions, which when you
add it to everything else, tilts scales in favor of fossil fuels (abiotic fuels).
Hey guess what, Mr. Three-Car Monte, what about all the fuel expended to ship
oil, gasoline, and diesel? What about all the fuel expended by our military forces
to send ships, planes, missiles, and service men around the world to defend the
oil industry. What about all the fuel expended to manufacture all the military
materiel, and uniforms to clothe our military personnel, and food to feed them,
and medicine to treat their wounds. Have you factored in all this to your con job