The Ethanol Papers - Paperturn manuscript - Flipbook - Page 397
invested), environmental issues, and the myth of ethanol causing engine damage. I thought I was going to have to address all these issues individually. But
you gave me a gift, you quoted Robert Bryce, author of such fairy tales as
"GUSHER OF LIES." This means that he is at the least one of your resources
for bad information.
Robert Bryce, in contrast to how I ranked you earlier, is the biggest knucklehead
disseminating lies and incorrect information about ethanol. He's held this title
for a number of years. In this arena, he's even a bigger knucklehead than Lauren Fix, although she retains the title as the biggest female knucklehead disseminating lies and incorrect information about ethanol.
Therefore, instead of having to address each of the knucklehead comments you
made, I'll simply point you to the 60+ page report that I published in June 2013
about Mr. Bryce and his view of ethanol and alternative fuels. You can find that
report by CLICKING HERE.
Incidentally, I don't want to not mention that you also quote from the Environmental Working Group as if they were an authoritative independent resource
on the environment and alternative fuels. EWG is a shill organization supported
by the oil industry and/or friends of the oil industry.
By the way, you should probably be careful of using EWG as a trusted or authoritative resource because you may find that several of their other opinions
are in fierce conflict with other opinions that you and Robert Bryce have. If EWG
were correct about corn crops and ethanol they could easily be correct about
all kinds of other things that are in direct conflict with information that you probably tout to your financial clients.
I'll give you a good opportunity to prove me wrong. Read my report, consult with
whomever you wish (especially Robert Bryce), and then challenge me on any
of the facts. I'll publish your findings word for word, regardless of what you find
out. You don't have to do it today or tomorrow, you can do it next week or next
month or next summer. Prove to yourself, your clients, to Bloomberg that you're
not a knucklehead...if you can.
Thanks for your time.