The Ethanol Papers - Paperturn manuscript - Flipbook - Page 378
colleague's ridiculous statement and misuse of E15. She didn't, she followed it
up by talking about how bad ethanol is.
Then Ms. Pick goes on to explain that she doesn't really know anything about
ethanol, because she's "a fossil fuel person." But, she tells the audience, she
did do some research. Now, armed with that research, she tells us that she
learned that E15 is not even approved for 95% of the gasoline-powered vehicles
on the road...that's how bad she says that E15 is.
Unfortunately, she must have done her research at the stupid school where
Lauren Fix earned her Masters Degree in Stupidity.
On an official basis, E15 is approved by the EPA to be used in all gasolinepowered passenger vehicles manufactured in or after 2001. The vast majority
of gasoline-powered vehicles on the road in America were manufactured in or
after 2001. This accounts for 75% of all cars and trucks on the road today. This
means that the 95% statement is woefully incorrect
Not even 2 minutes into the show and I've heard three incredibly stupid
Ms. Pick then tells the audience that the use of E15 will cause mechanical trouble and she gives us a fear-mongering tale about how as a single woman she
doesn't want her car to break down in some desolate rural area or grungy urban
area. Not satisfied with that incredibly stupid statement, she then jumps to a
warning that your boat could get stuck in the middle of the Gulf of Mexico if it's
using E15, causing the Coast Guard to waste its valuable time rescuing you.
She might as well just say "You don't want to get stuck in the middle of the Gulf
of Mexico without a boat; it would make as much sense. It did make me wonder
if she thinks that by only using gasoline that her car would be impervious to
breaking down in unsavory neighborhoods?
Jacki Pick said she did some research. Where did she conduct this research?
What were the resources? She's a lawyer, lawyers are supposed to know how
to conduct research.
And remember, Lauren Fix hasn't been introduced in the program yet!
By the way, I just checked a current list of states where E15 is available. Of the
five U.S. states that share coastline on the Gulf of Mexico, only Florida and
Alabama offer E15. This means that if you live in Texas and you want to take