The Ethanol Papers - Paperturn manuscript - Flipbook - Page 339
As I mentioned in an earlier paragraph above, we simply took the November
30th AAA editorial to be just another humdrum recitation of old anti-ethanol lies,
and because we already have a significant body of work that we’ve done over
the last several years about the benefits of ethanol, we didn’t spend any time
confronting the AAA allegations.
However, with the publication of the second AAA editorial and the aforementioned follow-on video interview produced by FOX News, we decided to take
some action and delve deeper into the issue. From the comments and related
links that we’ve received since last Thursday, it’s clear that the statements
made by Melissa Francis and Lauren Fix met with wide scorn and disagreement.
After watching the interview, Ron Lamberty, Sr. Vice President of American Coalition for Ethanol, wrote to me, “…I was so stunned by the inaccurate remarks
that I tried to count them (46 - but I may have missed one or two), and then I
started going through the video to document each misstatement and provide
the correct information. I'm up to 15 of them at a minute and a half . . .
The video interview, by the way, can be watched in its entirety at
The first, but certainly not the last thing that came to my mind when I originally
saw the video was, “why isn’t someone from AAA being interviewed on the
story?” But, frankly, that issue was quickly overshadowed by the barrage of
stupidity that followed. In the email that I sent to FOX News, Ms. Francis and
Ms. Fix I wrote:
"The information provided by Lauren Fix about E15 is almost completely
untrue. Lauren's explanation of phase-separation and the food-price