The Ethanol Papers - Paperturn manuscript - Flipbook - Page 316
(Note: Every U.S. President and every combined U.S. Congress since WWI
has dropped the ball on energy independence and been guilty of allowing
the oil industry to con the American people)
Big media is the same. It doesn't matter if the publication or broadcast outlet is
supposed to be on the right or the left, they are "pro-green." Not "pro-green" as
in the green environmental movement, they are pro-green as in pro-greenbacks. The bean-counters who are responsible for making the decisions in the
media, and the mouthpieces that they retain to present their position are only
concerned with where they can get the most buck for their bang.
Let me give you some examples of the above:
We all know there are politicians on the right who want to do away with subsidies, because they claim that subsidies are wasteful. So how can you explain
Diane Feinstein, the powerful liberal senior senator from California? Feinstein
can typically vote in favor of anything that gives taxpayer money away. Recently, however, she opposed the continuation of subsidies for ethanol production. Who'd ever have thought that she would come down on the same side of
a spending issue as Rush Limbaugh? Incidentally, she has received no money
from the ethanol lobby - did she vote against because she received no money?
Then we have the vast liberal media, with their stalwart icon of environmental
and socialist agenda: PBS.
If there's a bug to be saved from extinction, a human condition to be championed, PBS is your boy (or girl or nongender-specific advocate). So how do you explain what
happened to the television series that San Francisco's
PBS station produced with David Blume about ethanol
(Blume is very definitely one of the most knowledgeable
persons in the world on ethanol and the author of the exhaustive book "Alcohol Can Be A Gas")? After just one
episode the series was canceled. The entire series was
shot and in the can, ready to go. The series was canceled
because the oil-gasoline contributor to the PBS station David Blume's book
threatened to withdraw funding of the station if the show
continued. This oil-gasoline company, by the way, is one of the advertisers we
see on TV or in print promoting their support of finding alternative fuels and
energy solutions. In other words, PBS only supports social issues if the gasoline
companies say it's okay.