The Ethanol Papers - Paperturn manuscript - Flipbook - Page 229
I'm an investigative journalist, a TV-film producer, and I am the co-owner and
co-publisher of The Auto Channel (the Internet's largest automotive information
resource). Unlike you and many of those who post wrong information about
ethanol (and lots of other things), I don't have to hide behind little child screen
names. My articles about ethanol have been widely published; I've been a guest
many times on radio and TV shows; I've given presentations at all kinds of seminars, and I appeared before a Congressional committee to talk about ethanol.
You can Google my name or just visit my website and do a search for my editorials - I write about all kinds of things, including wine, cooking, and baseball.
The best piece I've done on ethanol is a 60+ page report on ethanol that destroys all anti-ethanol myths.
I'm happy to take on anyone at any time, and I'll even publish whatever comments you care to make - along with my corrections - on The Auto Channel
website. If you know anyone working at a petroleum oil company or any of the
PR firms that work for the oil industry please see if they have the courage to
debate me on the issues.
Follow up by PYWAKET 1:
1) My name is Pywaket, not "Py", thank you very much. And yes, that is my real
name. Shall I refer to you as Ma, from now on?
2) I would think that an "investigative journalist" would know the difference between "your" and "you're".
3) Any idiot can appear before a Congressional committee if they're friendly to
powerful people with an agenda (ADM, anyone?). If there's any group that has
nearly as much influence in Congress as Big Oil, it's Big Ag, and you are definitely a shill for them.
4) Your online history shows largely you arguing with people about ethanol.
People who are clearly unhappy about being forced to use a product they don't
like, don't want, and that causes them problems. I trust them more than some
self-important "journalist" who goes around telling them that they don't know
what they are talking about. Especially when I've experienced the same problems they have.