The Ethanol Papers - Paperturn manuscript - Flipbook - Page 161
The Oil Industry Has Been Poisoning Us For Decades,
and They've Always Known It
Oil industry has more ways to kill us than global terrorists...
but wait, they are them!
Originally published July 29, 2016
Highly explosive gasoline, tetraethyl lead, MTBE, toluene, benzene, and the
deadliest of all...WAR! These are some of the ways that the petroleum oil industry has killed us. By "us" I mean Americans, Canadians, Mexicans, Uruguayans, French, British, Irish, Swedish, Polish, Rooskies, Itais, Chinese, Japanese, Vietnamese, Sudanese, etc. All of the these have been killed by or for
petroleum oil fuels. Numbers not in the thousands or tens of thousands, but the
Tetraethyl lead's deadly characteristics have been known for years, even
though the oil industry tried everything possible to hide the truth from the public,
much in the same way that the tobacco industry tried to hide how dangerous
tobacco smoking and chewing can be. But tetraethyl lead hasn't always been a
component of gasoline, and in most instances in America it hasn't been used