The Ethanol Papers - Paperturn manuscript - Flipbook - Page 148
Another website of another company, Graco, Inc., provides a similar comparison, but they also include metal substances. Ethanol is ranked slightly lower
than some varieties of gasoline with metals - but still in the "good to excellent
range" - and about equal to benzene, toluene, and xylene. These results and
comparisons put to rest any claim that ethanol is harmful (or more harmful) to
metals that might be used in an internal combustion engine and fuel system.
A third resource is a website for CPLabSafety. They specifically analyze and
compare different chemicals to aluminum, and it shows similar results to the
Graco website metals comparison. One interesting result is that "high aromatic
gasoline" ranks as not recommended for use with aluminum in both the Graco
and CalPacLab comparisons.