The Ethanol Papers - Paperturn manuscript - Flipbook - Page 140
didn't start with Congress' passing of the Renewable Fuel Standard. There were
parts stores all over America and all over the world for dozens and dozens and
dozens of years. There have been engine repairmen forever. The question is,
"Is ethanol more corrosive to engine parts more than gasoline?" The answer is
that at the worst, it is no more corrosive than gasoline, and in some instances,
it is less corrosive.
If you're prone to dislike ethanol you will now say, "Yeah, then why does my
engine mechanic (or father or uncle or husband) say it is?" The easiest answer
is that they either don't know, and they're just passing along bad information
that they've heard, or that they needed an excuse so they used ethanol as the
villain. In short, they misdiagnosed the cause.
At this point, the disbelievers say, "Bu*l Sh*t!"
There are two ways to prove the point. One way is by using a visual presentation of the comparative corrosive effects, and the other is by a scientific comparison. Let's first look at the video tests conducted by Jacob Kaul; you'll see
how after just a short period of time fuel line hoses react to being exposed to
different fuels:
CLICK image to play video