TK Guided Tour - Flipbook - Page 8
Investigation 1
What percussion instruments are made of wood?
How can we make and play them?
Letter Sounds vs. Letter Names
When introducing and reviewing
letter sounds, it is helpful to refer
to the letter by its sound rather
than its name. For example, when
introducing the letter m, you
might say, “This is a /m/ sound.
You hear /m/ at the beginning of
monkey and Michael. Again, /m/,
/m/. Say /m/ with me.”
Playing With Pre-Reading Skills – Identifies letter–sound
correspondences (16b)
• Collect two lowercase letter cards showing letters with
familiar sounds.
• Hold up the first card and ask the children to tell you the sound, e.g., /t/.
• Repeat the sound and ask the children to think of words that begin
with that sound: “This sound is /t/, /t/. What are some words that
begin with /t/?”
• Continue the activity using the next letter sound.
Olivia Forms a Band
The Creative Curriculum® Book Discussion Cards™
Olivia Forms a Band
Original book by Ian Falconer
Olivia and her family are looking forward to going
on a picnic and watching the fireworks display, but
Olivia notices that something will be missing. There
needs to be a band to accompany the fireworks!
When Olivia finds out that there will be no band
Olivia Forms a Band – Makes connections
within a text (18a)
• Use Book Discussion Card 04, Olivia
Forms a Band.
• Follow the guidance for the second
at the firework show, she decides to start her own
band—all by herself. Join energetic Olivia as she
creates a one-pig band that is just as loud and
entertaining as the fireworks!
is not for sale and is
prohibited. The Creative
ademarks of Teaching
permission of Atheneum
Questions to Guide Your
How did the child respond to
questions? (8a)
How did the child take turns
during the conversation? (10b)
Focused Language & Literacy
Guided Discovery – Asks and answers
questions in conversations (8a)
• Use Mighty Minutes 261, “Do You Think?”
Objective 8
Listens to and understands
increasingly complex language
a. Comprehends language
Related Objectives: 8b, 9a, 9b, 10b, 15a, 15b, 15c
What You Do
1. Explain to the children that you will ask
them several questions.
Choice Time: Independent Discovery –
Multilingual learners Providing
children with nonverbal cues
such as giving a thumbs-up or
thumbs-down gesture to answer
yes/no questions is a great
communication strategy to use
with children who are learning to
speak English.
Do You Think?
As the children freely explore the interest areas,
provide the following activity to build on the skills
practiced during guided discovery.
2. Say, “Raise one hand if your answer is
yes and two hands if your answer is no.”
3. Ask questions such as “Do you think
the words tree and bee rhyme?”, “Do
you think the word apple starts with the
/a/ sound?”, and “Do you think the word
classroom has three syllables?”
4. Confirm the correct answer for the
children after each question.
• Invite the children to explore books that are interesting to them.
• Encourage the children to look at the illustrations in the book and
take turns asking and responding to questions that start with “Do
you think…?”
• Display a few example questions to get them started, e.g., “Do you
think the squirrel in the story will climb up that tree?”
Prepublication copy © 2022 by Teaching Strategies, LLC. This copy is not for sale and is intended
for sales review, classroom demo, or PD training only. All other use is strictly prohibited.