TK Guided Tour - Flipbook - Page 5
Day 2
Day 3
What is this made of?
What can you do with this?
Materials: wooden percussion instrument
Materials: drumstick
English: hollow, solid
English: scrape, strike
Spanish: hueco, sólido
Spanish: raspar, pegar
Discussion and Shared Writing: Mighty
Minutes 176, “Flexing Fingers”; music; items
that make different sounds when struck,
e.g., a metal canister; wood block; mallets
or rhythm sticks; markers
Discussion and Shared Writing: Mighty
Minutes 267, “Move Like an Animal”; lively,
percussive music; percussion instruments;
three plastic hoops; index cards; marker
Guided Discovery: Art – wooden percussion
instruments; materials to make percussion
instruments, e.g., milk cartons, cans with
smooth edges, mason jars, utensils
Independent Discovery: Library –
wooden percussion instruments or books
about wooden percussion instruments;
3-Step Instruction Card 20, “Make an
Observational Drawing”; children’s journals;
drawing materials
Playing With Pre-Reading Skills: doll or
stuffed animal
Book: wordless book from your classroom
library, audio recorder
Guided Discovery: Intentional Teaching
Experience LL08, “Memory Games”;
memory game, lotto game, or a set of
duplicate pictures or objects
Choice Time: Independent Discovery: Toys
and Games – 10–20 index cards, drawing
Guided Discovery: Mighty Minutes 250,
“Position Practice”; small classroom items
(one per child)
Choice Time: Independent Discovery: Music
and Movement – beanbags
Materials: none
Guided Discovery: Music and Movement –
percussion instruments
Independent Discovery: Art – wooden
percussion instruments; materials to make
percussion instruments, e.g., milk cartons,
cans with smooth edges, mason jars, metal
or plastic utensils
Playing With Pre-Reading Skills: lowercase
consonant letter cards with continuous
sounds: f, l, m, n, r, s, v, and z
Book: poetry book from your
classroom library
Guided Discovery: Mighty Minutes 231, “I am
Grateful for…”
Choice Time: Independent Discovery:
Library – materials to make thank-you cards
Guided Discovery: 3–5 classroom items
Choice Time: Independent Discovery:
Toys and Games – assortment of
classroom items
Materials: Intentional Teaching
Experience P35, “Stand Up & Dance”;
chart paper; marker