SW Guest Book - Flipbook - Page 85
Terms and Conditions
When you place your reservation, you will be charged a 15% non-refundable
deposit per cabin. This 15% deposit will be deducted from the balance of your
reservation. The remaining balance is due 30 days prior to your arrival and will
be charged automatically to the payment method on file. We accept credit
card or e-check payments. Should a payment be returned for insufficient
funds or other reasons, a $25 fee will be added to your balance.
As of March 14, 2020, the Covid-19 pandemic was widely publicized worldwide
and in response, we adopted a more flexible payment and cancellation
schedule. Therefore, all reservations made after March 14, 2020, are aware of
the risk and there will be NO COVID CANCELLATION EXCEPTIONS if guests did
not purchase trip insurance.
We offer TRIP INSURANCE as Protection against last minute, unavoidable cancellation
(COVID, family emergency, death, inclement weather, etc). Declining coverage voids any
and all possibility of refunds during the cancellation period.