Workforce Solutions at SUNY Jefferson - Flipbook - Page 54
Cost: $1,295
Typical 昀椀nish time: 6 months
(120 hours)
This exciting course is designed to provide you with a working knowledge of early childhood education and
prepare you for the Child Development Associate® (CDA) certi昀椀cation process of the Council for Professional
Recognition with content review, assessment practice, and portfolio preparation.
The course will include a thorough introduction to early childhood education. Topics covered include how
children learn and grow, safe and healthy environments, physical and cognitive growth, social and emotional
development, guidance, relationships with families, creativity and the young child, play, research-based
planning of developmentally and culturally appropriate curriculums, and activities, program management, and
professionalism. With an integrated approach to child development, students will learn the principles of child
growth and development from birth through age 昀椀ve and how they align with the eight CDA competencies and
National Association of the Education of Young Children (NAEYC) professional standards.
In a guided step-by-step process, you will culminate your learning experience by gathering all your
assignments to build a portfolio and receiving instructor feedback from a certi昀椀ed CDA Professional
Development (PD) Specialist™ to be well prepared for the CDA Veri昀椀cation Visit. Upon course completion, you
will be ready for your early childhood education certi昀椀cation.
Hardware Requirements:
This course can be taken on either a PC, Mac, or Chromebook
Software Requirements (Software must be installed and fully operational before the course begins.)
PC: Windows 10 or later
Mac: macOS 10.6 or later
Browser: The latest version of Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox is preferred. Microsoft Edge and
Safari are also compatible.
Microsoft Word Online
Adobe Acrobat Reader
Traditional college 昀椀nancial aid is not applicable for non-credit courses at this time.
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