Southern Company Gas 2022 Sustainability Executive Summary Final 4.19.23 - Flipbook - Page 20
Customer Solutions
Energy Assistance
Energy Efficiency
At Southern Company Gas, we believe in providing access
Providing solutions that help our customers save energy
to reliable and affordable fuel to everyone in the areas
is an important objective for Southern Company Gas
we serve. When paying bills, our customers should not
and its subsidiaries. By reducing energy usage, these
have to worry about the affordability of an everyday
solutions also can reduce the GHG emissions associated
resource such as energy. To help our customers who need
with our customers’ use of natural gas. Below are some
it, we offer Energy Assistance Programs to keep energy
of the programs that deliver energy-efficiency options
flowing to their homes. Southern Company Gas’
to our customers:
distribution operations offer customers a wide range of
support options, including connections to federal and
state programs such as the Low-Income Home Energy
Virginia Natural Gas
Assistance Program (LIHEAP). Southern Company Gas
In 2019, Virginia Natural Gas launched a new phase of
and its subsidiaries have worked with the Salvation Army
our Conservation and Ratemaking Efficiency Plan, which
through its EnergyShare program, which provides
has helped customers save over 18,000 MMBtu since
financial aid to families who have a difficult time paying
the program’s inception—equivalent to avoiding almost
for energy costs. In addition, our subsidiaries offer rebate
1,000 metric tons of CO2 emissions. The CARE Plan
programs to encourage customers to install energy-
includes the following four programs:
efficient technology in their homes to reduce their
energy usage and associated costs, as well as their
Residential Home Incentive Program: Virginia Natural
environmental footprint.
Gas provides rebates and incentives to encourage
residential customers to install energy-efficient natural
gas equipment, such as furnaces, water heaters and
programmable smart thermostats.
Low-Income Home Weatherization Program: Virginia
Natural Gas provides funding for community partners
who provide weatherization and equipment
replacement services to eligible low-income customers.
Home Energy Audit Program: We walk residential
customers through the steps to perform a self-audit
and provide targeted actions to improve home
efficiency based on the results. Customers who
complete the audit can receive a free kit to implement
energy-saving measures at home.
In 2022, Nicor Gas introduced the Community
Connection Center to provide support beyond energy
efficiency and payment assistance for our customers.
The C3 team focuses on connecting customers to
organizations that help people gain access to energy
efficiency, bill payment programs, housing, food, federal
funding and other essentials.
Southern Company Gas
Customer Education and Outreach Program: Virginia
Natural Gas provides customers with tips and tools for
reducing energy usage to save on energy bills.