Cult Of Sketchy Vol.1 - Flipbook - Page 17
The purpose of nomenclature in footwear design is to further convey the ‘personality’ of the shoe. In this
example, I need a name for a white based color scheme. The first things that come to my head when I think of white are; snow, sugar, canvas,
and glue. OK, well, anything snow or ice related is off the table. It’s too cool. People name things after snow and ice because they’re trying to
make it sound cool. Weak. Next. Sugar. I like the sugar vibe, but we already have a color way based on sugar. Next. Canvas? People use the
word canvas when they’re trying to make something seem artistic. Nerds. Glue. I’m into it, but ‘glue’ itself isn’t enough. What are some words
related to glue? Elmer, adhesive, paste.. All too obvious, too square. Theres no punchline. Hmm, well what do people do with glue? They use it
to stick things together... and they sniff it. Thats the direction I like. They sniff it.. Glue can be abused as an inhalant. Inhalant!... its perfect.