Full Calendar 2024 Sinlee - Catalog - Page 19
“The secret of happiness, you see, is not found in seeking more,
but in developing the capacity to enjoy less.” -Socrates
“Happiness is not having what you want. It is wanting
what you have.”-Rabbi Hyman Schachtel
“Minimalism is the constant art of editing your life.”
-Danny Dover
“Minimalism is the pursuit of the essence
of things, not the appearance.” -Claudio Silvestrin
C a l e n da r S I ze
A d Spa ce
A d Tex t A rea
Pa ge s
“Simple pleasures are the last healthy refuge in
a complex world.”- Oscar Wilde
: 20 . 3 x 2 1 . 8 c m
: 2 0. 3 x 4 c m
: 1 8x 3 c m
: 7 S h e eters
“A home is a home for one reason: we call it home. The stuff
doesn’t make it your home – you do.” -Joshua Fields Millburn