SENCAP Student Expectations and OutcomesWe expect students to earn their high school diploma and have fun exploring their career pathway.Bene昀椀ts include:• earning college credits while still inhigh school• scholarship to help cover sometuition/fees• learning key skills in the careerpathway• learning career-readiness skills• being ready for immediate employmentwith the enhanced skills they’vedeveloped• earning a recognized certification or bewell on the way to completing one• being eligible for entry into a communitycollege training or degree programWhat is the optional Student Portfolio?In addition to the college credit courses, students may enroll in an online student portfolio.They will access SCC’s online CANVAS to complete weekly assignments. The assignmentswill provide students an opportunity to explore a variety of careers in their pathway.Typical portfolio assignments include:Career SearchStudents will research career interests,identify job growth, salary, educationrequirements, and consider whatfoundational/soft skills are necessary tobe successful in the career.Field Trip Reflections, Career Days,Discovery DaysField trips are career oriented andusually involve going to a worksite.Instructors are encouraged to suggestfield trip companies/sites to their SENCAPcoordinator, helping make the connectionfrom class to academy to career.Career and Discovery Days are a greatopportunity for students to connect thefull process from education to career.ScholarshipsStudents will research local and nationalscholarships.Résumé & Cover Letter Building,ReferencesStudents will create a traditional résuméand obtain personal references. Secondyear SENCAP students will transformtheir résumés into conversationalrésumés, obtain references and letters ofrecommendation.Social MediaStudents will gain an understandingof how social media can work to theirprofessional benefit and how long-lastinga digital footprint can be: Twitter, Blogging,LinkedIn, etc.Job ShadowsStudents are required to complete aminimum of two job shadows a year. Jobshadowing provides students a greatopportunity to see the occupation in reallife and ask questions of the individuals inthat career path.Students who are involved with theIndividualized Education Program (IEP) attheir high school need to apply at SCC foraccommodations for their college classes.The Accommodations Resource Office (ARO)helps students set up accommodations whileenrolled in classes at Southeast CommunityCollege.It is important to note that a High SchoolIEP or 504 plan does not apply to the Collegeclasses that a student takes at SCC throughthe SENCAP program.If a SENCAP student meets any of thefollowing criteria, they may qualify andshould apply for accommodations:• Students who experience a disability• Students who have or have had an IEP or 504Plan in high school• Students who are expecting a child• Students can contact the SENCAP/Dual-CreditCoordinator working with their school to applyfor accommodations through SCC.For more information or to requestreasonable accommodations, please visitus online AdvisingIn addition to working closely with theSENCAP Coordinator, students also can meetwith an SCC advisor for guidance in theiracademic planning. Advisors can also discussdual-credit courses and transfer options.Please contact advising with questions or toschedule an appointment.402-437-2758email:“SENCAP/Dual Credit is the perfect opportunity to savetime and money on college while in high school. Theseclasses also provide the eye-opening experience ofcollege-level work. I don’t know who would not want toenter the next chapter of their life one step ahead.”-Mckenna K., SewardPage 16Reasonable AccommodationsResource O昀昀ice
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