BP 11122023 129pm - Flipbook - Page 30
Credit Card Transactions and Payments: A business credit card may be used when it is not
possible or convenient to pay by check or through Bill. Credit card usage should be closely
monitored to prevent misuse. Leadership may authorize a business credit card to be issued in his
name and in the name of trusted employees. The card should be used to charge business
expenses incurred by the individual on behalf of the entity. Personal expenses and cash advances
should not be charged on the business credit card. Additionally, general operating expenses,
reoccurring expenses, and payments to contractors should not be charged to a business credit
card since this makes it difficult to track expenses by vendor, could result in the circumvention
of the approval process, and increases the risk of not issuing a 1099 for services that exceed
payments of $600. Business credit cards should be canceled upon termination of an employee
that has one.
All receipts should be submitted with the business purpose documented either on the actual
receipt or on an expense report. Supervisors should review the supporting documentation and
sign and date as evidence of approval before submitting for payment. Payments to business
credit card companies should not be made from monthly statements without receipts to
authenticate the expenditures as Church-related.
Prior to processing the credit card payment, the statement should be reviewed for fraudulent and
erroneous charges, and if identified the credit card company should be notified as soon as
possible. Note: Bank of America disputes should be made within 60 days of the charge date.
Credit card payments may be made via check or online; both methods require proper approval by
the Leadership. Receipts should be stapled to the credit card statement, which should then be
filed and retained according to the accounts payable record retention policy.
Use of a personal credit card, even by pastors, should be limited to extenuating circumstances
and is discouraged. If a personal credit card is used, the individual should pay the credit card
directly and request a reimbursement by submitting the receipt of purchase with the business
purpose documented, along with an approved expense report (or check request) to the business
manager. The entity should never pay the individual’s credit card company directly.
Second Collection Policy: All second collections shall be taken up on the date assigned by the
Archbishop and shall be sent in total to the Archdiocesan Finance Office within sixty (60) days
of the collection date. No deduction for