BP 11122023 129pm - Flipbook - Page 131
ParishSOFT Family Suite Contribution Summary Reports
Updated October 14, 2022 to include Isadore Offering in PSFS
This document has been compiled by the Finance Office / Parish Support to assist those parishes
preparing for internal audits or wishing to view a summary of contribution data by date or by
fund. Included are step-by-step instructions for compiling summary contribution data from
ParishSOFT Family Suite.
From ParishSOFT Family Suite (PSFS)
Archdiocesan internal auditors generally require a summary of Fiscal Year-to-Date contributions
through a given date range. For example, the auditor may request a summary of Offertory
contributions through May 30, 2019. In this case, the date range needed is July 1, 2018 3 May
31, 2019.
While it is possible to look at only one or two funds, it is strongly recommended that the parish
pull the detail for all Contribution Funds and review the summary detail. Any misapplied
contributions will be easily identified through this review. An example of a misapplied
contribution could include Offertory postings for January 2019 that were incorrectly posted to
the Offertory 2018 fund (see step 16 for an example of a misapplied contribution).
1. Begin by logging in to ParishSOFT Family Suite - PSFS and selecting the Offering tab.
For the new (2022) Isadore Offering module, Offering will open in a new browser tab
(make certain you browser allows pop-ups).