BP 11122023 129pm - Flipbook - Page 108
Canon 1281
§1 3 With due regard for the prescriptions of their statutes, administrators invalidly posit acts
which go beyond the limits and procedures of ordinary administration unless they first obtain
written authority from the ordinary.
§2 3 The acts which go beyond the limits and procedures of ordinary administration are to be
defined in the statutes; if, however, the statutes do not mention such acts, it is within the
competence of the diocesan bishop to determine such acts for persons subject to him after he has
heard the finance council.
§3 3 Unless and to the extent that it is to its own advantage, a juridic person is not held to answer
for acts invalidly posited by its administrators. A juridic person, however, is responsible for acts
illegitimately but validly posited by its administrators with due regard for the right to sue or to
have recourse against administrators who have damaged it.
Canon 1282 3 All clerics or lay persons who through a legitimate title take part in the
administration of ecclesiastical goods are bound to fulfill their duties in the name of the Church
and in accord with the norm of law.
Canon 1283 3 Before administrators take office:
1° 3 they must take an oath before the ordinary or his delegate that they will be efficient and
faithful administrators;
2° 3 they are to prepare, sign and subsequently renew an accurate and detailed inventory of
immovable goods, movable goods, either precious or of significant cultural value, or other goods
along with a description and appraisal of them;
3° 3 one copy of this inventory is to be kept in the archives of the administration; the other, in the
curial archives; any change whatever which the patrimony may undergo is to be noted on each
Canon 1284
§1 3 All administrators are bound to fulfill their office with the diligence of a good housekeeper.
§2 3 For this reason they must:
1° 3 take care that none of the goods entrusted to their care is in any way lost or damaged
and take out insurance policies for this purpose, insofar as such is necessary;
2° 3 take care that the ownership of ecclesiastical goods is safeguarded through civilly
valid methods;
3° 3 observe the prescriptions of both canon and civil law or those imposed by the
founder, donor or legitimate authority; they must especially be on guard lest the Church
be harmed through the non-observance of civil laws;
4° 3 accurately collect the revenues and income of goods when they are legally due,
safeguard them once collected and apply them according to the intention of the founder
or according to legitimate norms;
5° 3 pay the interest on a loan or mortgage when it is due and take care that the capital
debt itself is repaid in due time;