BP 11122023 129pm - Flipbook - Page 107
tasks, taking note of the extent to which such work is allowed to be performed by
volunteers under the guidelines of diocesan risk-management and insurance programs.
f. Review the parish’s risk-management and loss-prevention reports in order to ensure
corrective action is taken where necessary.
g. Ensure that the safety and security of the parish campus is addressed and reviewed
4. Financial Planning & Development Subcommittee
a. Provide long-range planning for both the financial and physical needs of the parish by
working closely with the budget and maintenance subcommittees, the Parish Pastoral
Council, and other parish organizations.
b. Educate parishioners about stewardship and the need for parish involvement and
support. c. Provide oversight for the following:
i. Programs that focus on increased levels of giving based on individual parish
needs, including the use of electronic giving;
ii. Capital-campaign or debt-reduction programs designed to raise funds for parish
facilities, which consist of solicitation for one-time gifts or multi-year pledges;
and iii. Programs designed to provide long-term financial support involving
planned giving or endowment vehicles..
The development of the parish pastoral plan is the ideal time for the Pastoral and Finance
Councils to collaborate in outlining the goals of the parish. Communication between the two
councils is essential to share information regarding the parish finances in order to implement the
pastoral plans and priorities. It is the role of the Pastoral Council to prioritize the goals of each
commission as part of the pastoral planning process. Based on these goals, the various
commissions prepare budgets for review by the Finance Council. It is the responsibility of the
Finance Council to advise on the adequacy of resources to fund the activities of the commissions,
specific parish ministries and operating expenses of the parish. If there is a budget short-fall, the
Finance and Pastoral Councils should collaborate to resolve the matter. Ultimately, it is the role
of the Finance Council to recommend the final budget to the pastor for his approval.
To maintain open communication, it is recommended that a person from the Pastoral Council
serve as an ex-officio member on the Finance Council. The Finance Council, likewise, should
appoint an ex-officio member to the Pastoral Council. The Pastoral Council should provide its
plan and meeting minutes to the Finance Council, and the Finance Council should provide
periodic financial reports to the Pastoral Council.
An appropriate means of communication should be developed between the Finance Council and
other parish groups and councils. It may be useful to assign a liaison between councils. The
Finance Council should interact with parish groups/councils to study, create, and revise plans for
the effective management and use of parish resources.