BP 11122023 129pm - Flipbook - Page 105
10. Debt
The Finance Council should review any indebtedness of the parish and assist the pastor in
fulfilling his obligations under Canon 1284, §2, 5°, upon his request. Planning for debt
repayment should be an integral part of the budgeting process. The Finance Council should
review, if requested, the circumstances of any plan to incur additional debt and the plan for
11. Parish Finance Employees
The Finance Council should provide advice on hiring and evaluating a Business Manager,
Bookkeeper, Accountant or similar position. Note: The Archdiocesan Finance Office is required
to interview the prospective candidate for a parish financial position prior to hiring or
12. Parish Reports
The Finance Council should review the complete parish monthly financial reports to the
Archdiocese to ensure that all reports have been accurately, completely, and timely prepared.
The Finance Council should provide assistance in the formulation and communication of the
annual financial report to the parish community, as required by Canon 1287, §2. Clear, regular
and complete communication to parishioners is a key responsibility of the pastor, and the
Finance Council can assist as it pertains to temporalities. Communication keeps parishioners
informed of the parish’s condition, its priorities, its needs, and progress on previously announced
13. Archdiocesan Letter
The Finance Council should assist in the timely submission of the Year-end Parish Certification
Letter to the Archbishop. The form of the letter is included in Appendix 2 and is due within 90
days of the end of the fiscal year. The letter includes certification by the pastor, Treasurer or
Business Manager and Finance Council Members that:
a. The financial reports accurately reflect the financial condition of the parish.
b. Parish financial statements were reviewed and approved.
c. All federal and state payroll taxes were paid.
d. The accounts payable vendors were reviewed to ensure proper classification as to taxability
and compliance with IRS regulations, and the issuance and filing of the appropriate 1099 forms.
e. All non-exempt real property taxes were paid.
f. All of our activities are religious, educational, or charitable, except as noted here:
g. None of us know of any credible reports of possible fraudulent or dishonest conduct, which
has not been reported to the archbishop or his staff.
h. None of the individuals named and signing below, nor any member of their families, has
engaged in any activity with the parish from which they could personally benefit and which
would be considered a conflict of interest without fully disclosing the conflict to the pastor and
Finance Council.
Additionally, the letter should contain: