2024 Winter Contract V6 - Report - Page 7
Sail Boats (includes venting)................................................................................. □ Yes
□ Mast Out O'-30':
□ Mast Out 31'-45':
□ Mast Out 46' +
$24.50 per ft.
$28.50 per ft.
➔ Quoted
□ Mast In O'-30':
□ Mast In 31'-45':
□ Mast In 46' +
□ No
$29.50 per ft.
$32.00 per ft.
➔ Quoted
Price:$_ _
Shrink Wrap Disposal Fee - MANDATORY.................................................................. $150.00
Zipper Door.................................................................................................... □ Yes □ No
□ Specify Preferred Location_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ $100.00
Remove / Store Outriggers (installation separate)....................................................... □ Yes □ No
□ Specify:_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
- - Remove Enclosure............................................................................................ □ Yes □ No
□ Specify:_ _ ____________ $175.00
Price:$_ _
Propeller Service: (Port or Starboard)........................................................................ □ Yes □ No
□ Recondition
□ Dyno
➔ Quoted
Price to Be Billed Upon Completion:$_ _
Hull Detailing................................................................................................. □ Yes □ No
□ Compounding Hull
$18.00 per ft.
Price:$_ _
□ Wax Hull (35' and Under): $18.50 per ft.
□ Wax Hull (36' to 55'): $20.50 per ft.
Price:$_ _
Super Structure Detailing-e.g. Above Rub Rail (S.S.)................................................ □ Yes □ No
$22.00 per ft.
□ Compounding Super Structure
Price:$_ _
□ Wax S.S. (Express 35' and Under): $18.50 per ft.
□ Wax S.S. (Bridge 35' and Under): $19.50 per ft.
□ Wax S.S. (MY 35' and Under): $22.50 per ft.
□ Wax S.S. (Express 36' to 55'): $20.50 per ft.
□ Wax S.S. (Bridge 36' to 55'): $22.50 per ft.
□ Wax S.S. (MY 36' to 55'): $24.50 per ft.
Price:$_ _
New Economy Option Clean/Dress ................................................................................ □ Yes
□ Heavy Wash of Hull/Super Structure, Dress Structure/Metal & Clean Windows
□ No
$18.50 per ft.
Price:$_ _
Clean/Polish Metal................................................................................................ □ Yes □ No
□ Stainless
□ Aluminum
□ Outriggers $150.00 per hr.
Price to Be Billed Upon Completion:$_ _
Exterior Wash/Dry.............................................................................................. □ Yes □ No
□ Weekly
□ Bi-Weekly
□ Monthly $150.00 per hr.
Price to Be Billed Upon Completion:$_ _
Interior Cleaning................................................................................................. □ Yes □ No
□ Bi-Weekly
□ Monthly $150.00 per hr.
□ Weekly
Price to Be Billed Upon Completion:$_ _
Steam Cleaning Carpets/Upholstery.......................................................................... □ Yes □ No
□ Interior Carpets
□ Exterior Carpets
□ Upholstery $150.00 per hr.
Price to Be Billed Upon Completion:$_ _
Isinglass/Plastic, Canvas, & Sail Cleaning and Re-Stitching of Torn Seams .................... □ Yes □ No
□ Clean/Polish Glass
□ Clean Fabric/Waterproof
□ Storage $175.00 per hr.
Price to Be Billed Upon Completion:$_ _