EMIS ReportDesign-Prelim 2020sep11 - Flipbook - Page 4
Executive Summary
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s building energy and system-level monitoring
becomes more common, facilities teams are
faced with an overwhelming amount of data.
These data do not typically lead to insights or corrective actions
unless they are stored, organized, analyzed, and prioritized in
automated ways. Buildings are full of energy savings potential
that can be uncovered with the right analysis. With analytic
software applied to everyday building operations, owners are
using data to their advantage and realizing cost savings through
improved energy management.
The 2016-2020 Smart Energy Analytics Campaign (smartenergy-analytics.org) was a public–private-sector partnership
program focused on supporting
commercially available
The past decade has seen
Energy Management and
significant growth in
adoption of EMIS, spurred Information Systems (EMIS)
(see Figure ES-1, next
by a far greater range of
page) and monitoring-based
EMIS offerings, improved
commissioning (MBCx)
ease of use and integration,
practices for commercial
a maturing market
buildings. MBCx is an ongoing
for third party MBCx
commissioning process that
providers, and a broader
focuses on monitoring and
recognition of the benefits analyzing large amounts of
EMIS can bring to energy
data on a continuous basis.
management practices.
EMIS tools are used in the
MBCx process to organize,
present, visualize, and analyze the data. These tools have been
available for decades, and their benefits have been documented
through case studies and research on relatively small datasets.
However, the past decade has seen significant growth in
adoption of EMIS, spurred by a far greater range of EMIS
offerings, improved ease of use and integration, a maturing
market for third party MBCx providers, and a broader recognition
of the benefits EMIS can bring to energy management practices.
Berkeley Lab | Proving the Business Case for Building Analytics