EMIS ReportDesign-Prelim 2020sep11 - Flipbook - Page 32
EMIS Specification
and Selection
Focus RFPs where there is the most interest
in using the data (i.e., operations staff may
desire FDD for specifying faults, while energy
managers may desire EIS to simplify energy
tracking and reporting)
EMIS Installation
and Configuration
Analytic Process
Understand vendor pricing structures (based
on # points, floor area, # of sites)
Data warehouse provides a single location for
all relevant data streams
EMIS service providers support data
integration and setup, then if desired, manage
the FDD process
Commissioning the EMIS installation avoids
problems later
Metrics and charts that summarize
Analytics are implemented to address
specific operational challenges, rather than
implementing all possible analytics
Vendors and service providers implement an
existing FDD rules library
Energy savings goals drive EMIS use
Management buy-in for implementing
technology to support building operations
Staff that routinely use EMIS in their standard
process find value
Users are not clear on which EMIS product
features they need
Lack of understanding of differences between
EMIS products
Lengthy procurement process through request
for proposal
Data integration problems include difficulty
extracting data from older BAS, disparate
naming conventions, and difficulty bringing all
the data into a single database
Data quality problems (gaps in data, incorrect
meter readings)
Lack of existing metering in place
Users experience data overload instead of
gaining actionable insights
There is difficulty in pinpointing measures or
finding root causes of fault conditions
A lack of an M&V process in place to verify
Difficulty directing resources to fix issues found
TABLE 7: Enablers and barriers to successfully implementing EMIS and MBCx
Achieving persistence of savings without a
robust MBCx process
Overriding the BAS due to a desire to operate
in manual mode
Ability to reinvest energy cost savings
Berkeley Lab | Proving the Business Case for Building Analytics