EMIS ReportDesign-Prelim 2020sep11 - Flipbook - Page 16
Approximate total labor hours spent by in-house
staff to support installation and configuration of
the EMIS.
COSTS: The estimated first-year median cost
includes base EMIS implementation cost (software
and installation), in-house labor cost to use the
EMIS, EMIS licensing/software-as-a service fees,
and an estimated cost to implement operational
measures found using the EMIS. Second-year
costs add another year of in-house labor cost
and another year of EMIS licensing/software-as-a
service fees. The Campaign does not collect data
on hard costs for implementing measures (e.g.,
replacing a variable frequency drive), therefore these
ONGOING EMIS USE: Approximate time spent by
hard costs must be estimated. EBCx measures
in-house staff reviewing EMIS reports, identifying
are consistent with the measures identified and
opportunities for improvement, and implementing
implemented through use of EMIS software, so we
measures (average hours spent per month).
use the median EBCx implementation cost as an
estimate for EMIS measure implementation costs
2.3 Cost-effectiveness
from a recent commissioning study (Crowe et al.
Determining the cost-effectiveness of EMIS
2018). In the commissioning study, typical EBCx
implementation is not straightforward since EMIS
measure implementation costs are reported as
is an enabling tool—installation of
approximately one-third of the total
Savings are achieved
the software does not directly create
EBCx cost. With a median EBCx cost
by acting upon the
savings. Rather, savings are achieved
reported in the commissioning study
information that the
by acting upon the information that
of $0.27/sq ft, we selected $0.11/sq
the technology provides (i.e., the
technology provides
ft as an implementation cost estimate
improvement opportunities that are
(i.e., the improvement
for operational measures related to
identified). The only type of EMIS that
the use of EIS and $0.22/sq ft as an
opportunities that are
achieves direct savings is ASO, since the identified).
implementation cost estimate related to
optimization is performed directly by the
the use of FDD.
ASO software.
SAVINGS: The median savings are determined by
Attributing savings to an EMIS can be difficult since
comparing energy data from the first or second full
not all measures that an organization implements
year after EMIS implementation, depending on the
are due to use of the EMIS but may come from other
amount of data available, with the baseline year
things like capital upgrades or projects that would
before the EMIS was installed. For cases in which
have happened without the EMIS. Even so, EMIS is
savings is negative, the simple payback period
often used to help identify the need for retrofits and
cannot be calculated and this data was not used in
measure the performance of those retrofits.
the payback calculation.
To develop estimates of EMIS cost-effectiveness,
costs and savings are determined for all participants
in which the data are available, using the following
participant that reported costs and energy use, the
first-year costs are divided by the first-year savings
to determine a simple payback period. The median
simple payback for participants with EIS and FDD are
reported separately. As a cross-check, we compare
the Campaign cost-effectiveness results with other
public sources cost-effectiveness data documented
in EMIS case studies.
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