Abridged SP FINAL-DIGITAL - Flipbook - Page 13
Short Term (six months to two years)
• The first year of this initiative will focus on the
breakthroughs needed to link smart buildings,
local energy generation and storage, and electric
vehicles, so these systems can cooperate for a
common optimal goal of minimizing total carbon,
with constraints on economic costs. The initiative
will also identify computational methods for
mitigating cybersecurity threats and other
system instabilities in the electric power grid by:
10-year goal:
• Enable an economically sustainable,
equitable, zero-carbon energy economy
and society by creating an Integrated
Energy System simulation capability and a
validation testbed.
The Challenge:
• Energy production, conveyance, storage,
and customer-level uses are linked, but
usually function separately, limiting our
ability to find economically feasible zerocarbon energy solutions across sectors
and undermining future opportunities
from increased connectivity and
Research Summary:
• The evolving integration and interactivity
of buildings, vehicles, and the electric grid
requires development of new methods
to reveal the energy, carbon, and cost
savings from coordinated optimization
focusing on:
• Breakthroughs in practical platforms
for co-simulation software, to enable
disparate systems to function as an
ensemble in real time
• A testbed to study co‑simulation controls
and testing component technologies
• Development of a simulation testbed that
includes detailed building physics models,
distributed energy resources, smart buildings,
and the bulk power system
• Analysis of the feasible and attainable benefits of
energy integration
• Artificial intelligence (AI) -driven, reduced order
models of energy systems suitable for testing
fast co-simulation of energy systems
• New solutions for identifying regions of stable
grid operation
• Simulation prototypes for near-real time controls
of multiple energy systems
• Validation using an existing field testbed
Medium Term (three to five years)
• Based on the learnings from initial testbed
data, we will develop a roadmap and a series
of solutions for how physics-based models can
supplement AI models to overcome the typical
hurdles of using each type
Long Term (five years and beyond)
• Develop the scientific toolset and a series of
techniques to train and test the use of highfidelity simulations of a microgrid with a high
penetration of renewable energy.
• These innovations will change the ways research
is conducted in the dynamic systems and
controls community, realizing multi-sector
decarbonization at scale and at acceptable cost
• Cybersecurity, to detect threats and
system instabilities and identify
computational methods to mitigate them
ETA Strategic Plan 2021-2030 | 11